Friday, June 12, 2009

Pitching Tip

Six Keys To Successful Pitching:

1. Conditioning - good pitching begins with proper conditioning and skills development. Pitching requires strength and stamina.
2. Control - is the prime factor in successful pitching. The pitcher must develop good mechanics and be consistent in duplicating them in-order to develop good control.
3. Concentration - The pitcher must focus and concentrate soley on getting the batter out. The pitcher should visualize the anticipated flight path of the ball before delivering the pitch. focus on a small target within the catcher's glove.
4. Confidence - Successful pitchers know their best pitch and are never afraid to use it no matter who's at bat or what the count. The pitcher must feel that he is better than the hitter!
5. Consistency - Pitching mechanics must be unconscious effort and are second nature. Consistency is developed through constant practice, bull pens and drills.
6. Commitment - Successful pitchers have strong work ethics. They understand that they must work hard to develop and maintain strong pitching skills. They must have a strong off-season practice and conditioning routine.

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